Saturday, October 20, 2012


Women vs. Women
I've decided..and I means Lacie..I've decided that I am going to use my blog as an outlet to whatever thoughts are running though my head, ideas that I have, shopping tricks that I can share..pretty much anything that I have in my head-I'll write.
The last few days I've been pondering and lugging around the 20 pounds that I've managed to pack on in the last few months. I want to blame most of it on the hormones I was on for infertility, but lets be honest..I've had a DrPepper trip here and there. I was grunting and groaning about how all my cute pants aren't fitting and I'm tired of looking around and seeing all these girls skinnier then me. The more I've been thinking and lusting after girls with skinny legs and small butts I realized a few things-
1. I am not fat. I am not obese. I am not having health issues.
2. I may no fit into my size 26 jeans like I did last fall, but my body shouldn't fit into a size 26.
It was at that moment that I wondered to myself, do I want to loose weight so I feel better about myself or do I want to loose weight so I can compare my body to those with skinnier legs?
Of course the answer is the second option and I just this is how women work. I would care less if Jeff sees me a little more chunky and trying to squeeze myself into those jeans, but Oh My! have mercy another woman better not know how much I weigh or size jeans I wear!! I won't lie I am totally the girl that checks other girls out when they have a body that I envy. My "trouble" body 
parts are my butt and thighs so when I see a girl with skinny thighs and a tight butt I wanna punch her. I wish we would all just be grateful for whatever body shape God gave us, we never will be, but I wish we would. I was not built to be a size 0 with no curves, and I'm actually ok with that. I know that Jeff likes a little junk in my trunk, even if I don't. Jeff will always ask me, "who are you trying to impress, me or the other girls at the party..?" My answer- the other girls at the party! Women, we are funny. Lets for the next 24 hours look at ourselves in the mirror and be like, "damn-that cellulite looks good on my thighs!" I am happy that I don't spend my days in the gym and eat to strict diet..I live my life and enjoy my days and if that means my jeans fit a little tight or I have a dimple on my butt..I'll take it.

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