Sunday, April 29, 2012

First Year Bliss

We started off in a one bedroom apartment. Many people that have been married know that the first year of need more then one bedroom and a tiny family room! About 8 months in we bought our first home! It's a townhouse in Salt Lake and it's ours! 
Once we bought the house the next purchase had to be a puppy. We started talking about getting a dog and so I got on KSL and saw a picture of the cutest little Cock-a-poo. His face melted my heart, and I had to have him. We went and got him the next day. His name is Woody and he has been the pride and joy to our lives. Through the infertility he has been the void I've needed filled. Woody comforts me when no one else can. I mean look at that face, how can you not be obsessed!? 
The first summer we had together we went on a mini vacation to Spokane then to Seattle then to Canada and back to Spokane. Jeff had never been to Seattle and Canada and I've lived in both so we went on a little memory lane tour. 

We celebrated lasting a whole year by going downtown Salt Lake and at nice hotel and went back to Market Street Grill where we had our first date. 

We decided that we didn't want to keep the top of the cake because to me that sounded gross to eat it a year later, so Jeff got all romantic and had the lady that made our cake make us a cake topper to eat for our one year! 

...then the first year was over. 

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